Feel the power

The Atet: The Chariot

Card 7 | The Atet | The Chariot
The Atet | The Chariot

In his solar barge, the Atet, Amun-Ra moves the sun disc across the sky during the day and journeys through the Duat to fight evil every night. A party of Neteru ride with Amun-Ra on the Atet to help him fight chaos and maintain the cosmic order, or maat. The Atet is known by many names—it is called Mandjet in the morning, Mesektet in the evening, and Wia-en-hehu, or “The Boat of Millions of Years”. The Atet is the Kemetic chariot of the gods.


The Atet Chariot card is all about ambition and determination, as modeled for us by the Amun-Ra and the Neteru who travel on it each day: their sheer willpower, focus, hard work, and momentum serve as an example. The Neteru crew of the Atet also represents long journeys, cooperation, spiritual balance, and cycles of success.

