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Bastet: The Comforter

Card 23 | Bastet | The Comforter
Bastet | The Comforter

The name of the goddess Bastet (also known as Bast), is derived from the word for “ointment jar”. She is considered a milder aspect of the warrior goddess Sekhmet, who herself assumed the fiercer aspects of the lion goddess. Bastet took on the attributes of a cat, turning her warrior instincts to comfort: protecting pregnant women, healing the sick, and nursing pharaohs. But beware: as the common housecat is fickle, so with Bastet. She can show her fierce and cunning side when angered.


The overridding theme of the Bastet Comforter card is comfort in all its forms: healing, nursing, nourishing, joy, singing, dancing, trusted friends and confidants. Bastet provides additional meaning to the card, specializing in protection of pregnant women, mothers, and children.
