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Tetisheri, Mother of Kings: Queen of Ankhs

Queen of Ankhs | Tetisheri, Mother of Kings
Queen of Ankhs | Tetisheri, Mother of Kings

Tetisheri was the matriarch of the Egyptian royal family of the late Seventeenth and early Eighteenth Dynasties. She was selected by Pharaoh Seqenenre Tao I, despite her non-royal birth, to be his Great Royal Wife. Upon  the death of Seqenenre Tao I, Tetisheri served as regent to her son Seqenenre Tao II, as well as to her grandsons Kamose and Ahmose in their war against the Hyksos. She was one of the wisest, longest-serving, and most beloved royal advisers in history.


The theme of Tetisheri’s Queen of Ankhs card is the nurturing mother, with all the care and support that only a mother can provide.
