Feel the power

Heart-Shaped (Ib) Amulet

The ib is the heart, the seat of intelligence, wisdom, emotion, thought, and memory. The ib is essential to the afterlife, as it provides evidence for the deceased at the Final Judgement in the Hall of Two Truths. The heart-shaped (ib) amulet is designed to protect the wearer's ib.

The heart-shaped (ib) amulet resembles a jar with a lid and with wings on its sides. According to the Book of Going Forth By Day, chapter 29B, the heart-shaped (ib) amulet should be carved from seheret-stone (cornelian). The following words of power are associated with the heart-shaped (ib) amulet:

I am the Bennu Bird,
the soul of Ra,
who guides the gods to the Duat
when they go forth.
The souls on earth
will do what they desire,
and the soul of _________
will go forth at his desire.

These words of power are personalized, and must contain the name of the speaker in the blank space provided.

Heart-Shaped (Ib) Amulet
Heart-Shaped (Ib) Amulet