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The Magic of Kemet

The Kemetic Tarot is imbued with magic. From magical words of power written in their original hieroglyphic form to symbols and amulets of divine protection, the Kemetic Tarot is guided by the magic of the Ancestors. Here we look at selected Kemetic symbols and amulets imbued with magical power.


The Kemetic symbol of life, the Ankh, is considered a powerful amulet of power by many.


Tjet Amulet

The tjet amulet is a magical protective symbol closely associated with the goddess Aset.

Red Jasper Tjet Amulet
Red Jasper Tjet Amulet

The Eye of Heru

Representing the divine protection of Heru, the Neteru who established the earthly line of pharaohs, the Eye of Heru is a powerful symbol of power and protection.

Eye of Heru
Eye of Heru

The Shen Ring

The eternal shen ring represents the Eye of the Grandest Creator Amun-Ra, and provides divine protection for the eternal soul.

Falcon Holding Shen Rings
Falcon Holding Shen Rings

The Djed Pillar

The djed pillar, closely associated with the spine of Ausar and the scepter of Ptah, is a symbol of divine authority, strength, and power.

Djed Pillar of Gold
Djed Pillar of Gold


The cartouche is a modified, elongated shen ring, used to protect the names of pharaohs, Neteru, and eventually even those of common mortals—the Remet.

Cartouche of Queen Nefertari
Cartouche of Queen Nefertari

Heart-Shaped (Ib) Amulet

The heart-shaped amulet represents the Ib, the human heart. Known to the Ancestors as the seat of wisdom, intelligence, and emotion, the Ib is critical to achieving eternal life in the Aaru, Paradise.

Heart-Shaped (Ib) Amulet
Heart-Shaped (Ib) Amulet