Feel the power

Aset: The Sorceress

Card 1 | Aset | The Sorceress
Aset | The Sorceress

The goddess Aset, known to the Greeks as Isis, is no ordinary magician. She is the greatest sorceress in history. She was personally trained in the magical arts by the Neteru Tehuti, god of wisdom, and Khonsu, the moon-god. She tricked the creator-god Amun-Ra into revealing his true secret name, giving her power equal to his. With her words of power, Aset can stop the sun in its tracks, control the weather, heal the sick, and resurrect the dead. Called “cleverer than a million gods” and “more devious than a million men”, Aset used her ingenuity for the benefit of others, including her son Heru, the rightful pharaoh of Kemet.

Aset wears the horns of the cow on her crown, a sign of her maternal nature. She also has wings, which she uses to protect her husband Ausar and his throne. The sun disc sits above her crown, in recognition of her equality in power to Amun-Ra, grandest creator of the Neteru.


The Aset Sorceress card is equivalent to the Magician card in the Rider-Waite tarot. Aset possesses all the powers of ancient Kemetic magic. As the master in control of all elements, her card includes all the symbols of the Remet (Minor Arcana) as well as powerful symbols of magic (the ankh, tjet, and the shen ring).

The Aset card is an exercise in potential: power, talent, and skill; as well as manifesting that potential. Additional meaning can be found in Aset’s ingenuity, maternal nature, and protective powers.
